Refund Policy

1.Can I cancel the order ?

It depends on the status of your order. You can cancel your order if it has not yet been shipped. Once shipped, orders cannot be cancelled. If you wish to cancel, please contact us promptly. Refunds will be issued for cancelled orders.

If your order has been shipped, we recommend that customers do not refuse delivery, as undelivered packages may be disposed of by third-party logistics providers. We advise customers to either keep the package upon receipt or opt for a return.

2. Eligibility for Returns and Refunds:
- You have 30 calendar days from the date of receipt to request a return or refund.
- To be eligible for a return or refund, the item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it.
- Items that show signs of use or are damaged due to customer handling are not eligible for return or refund.
3. Exceptions:
- If the product is defective due to manufacturing errors, damage during shipping, or if you received the wrong item, we will accept returns and refunds regardless of the product's condition.

4.Exchange Policy
1. If you wish to exchange your product for a different size or style, please contact us within 30 days of receiving your order.
2. We offer free replacement for the exchanged product, but you will need to bear the shipping costs.
3. The exchanged product should be unused and undamaged.
Please note that all returns and exchanges are subject to inspection before a refund or replacement is issued. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

5.How do I make a return ?

  • contact us on:
  • Tell the customer service the item(s) you would like to return, indicate the reason.
  • Customer service will give you a return address
  • Print the return label and securely tape it on the outside of your return package.
  • Call the post office to arrange a collection or drop off at your nearest post office.

Note: The company address is not the return address of the package,and the specific address will be sent by customer service email.

6. Return Shipping Costs:

- The customer is responsible for paying the return shipping costs.
- There are no additional restocking fees or handling charges for returns.

7. Refunds:

- Refunds will be processed within 7 days(business days) after we receive your package. The refund will be issued to your original payment account within 7 business days.
- If your order doesn't include any promotions or discounts, you will receive a full refund for the items, equal to the price shown on our site (Item’s original price).
Note: The Order’s Shipping Fee won’t be included in refunds.

8.Important Notice:

Please make sure you don't include items by accident in your return package. We will not be responsible for sending back those items to you.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact us at 15521121117